Meet Big Daddy!

Meet Big Daddy!

Meet Ken Mason, East Bay Tire Veteran Driver

Over the 21 years that Kenny “Big Daddy” Mason, has worked for East Bay Tire, he has literally logged hundreds of thousands of miles. Those that know Kenny well, know that he is a true East Bay Tire Warrior! Listening to him fondly tell stories of his deliveries, only goes to show his dedication and love of what he does. Kenny drove truck #22 from 2006-2016 and logged in 600,000 miles.

Back in the day before driving regulations were as stringent as they are today, Kenny boasted of a 20-hour work day. In his former yellow truck, he delivered tires to the Hog Ranch Mine jobsite, about 100 miles north of Reno. The last 25 miles of the delivery was on an uneven, dirt road at a snail’s pace of 10 mph. According to Kenny, once the delivery was complete, he was told to hurry and get off the dirt road to make room for the cows who bedded down for the night on the road, which was considerably warmer than their snow laden pasture. When asked how he managed such a long work day, he replied, “I drank a lot of coke.”

Kenny, we all appreciate your enthusiasm for your job! Keep up the good work.